Merging Beauty

Past Project

Merging Beauty with Civic Dialogues Towards Realizing Constitutional Aspirations for Young Women In Kenya.

Merging beauty with political talks

In 2022, supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, we strengthened the capacities of twenty (20) young women in institutions of higher learning to leverage digital platforms, advocate for their rights, be included in decision-making processes, and carry out civic engagement. The engagements brought about a positive shift in attitude; and increased the knowledge and level of participation in governance processes among the young women in institutions of higher learning in the Nairobi area using digital platforms. Moreover, from the cohort, 5 young women ran for office in their tertiary institutions, solidifying our gains in tying the quality of life to meaningful participation of young women in democratic and political processes.

Additionally, the cohort successfully formed inter-university alliances and networks committed to promoting civic responsibility. This is an excellent step in movement building and merging synergies between the young women in a bid to support courses they are individually passionate about. Beyond the project, Badili Africa will engage the young women as social accountability champions, strengthening their capacities to meaningfully participate in the development process in their counties and hold the elected leaders accountable based on their manifestos and constitutional mandates. The network formed from the project will also build solidarity among the young women leaders in pushing for their common agendas in advancing the well-being of women and girls in their communities. The project also allowed them to network and share their lived experiences, mentor each other, and share growth opportunities.

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