As the clock ticks down to 2030, the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Kenyan Vision 2030, Badili Africa has continued to be deliberate in continuing to deploy innovative strategies an
investing in grassroots and young women’s engagement in the struggle for women’s participation in public affairs, re-distribution of domestic roles and ending all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls. We have celebrated fantastic milestones, announced new products, and premiered our Women King Makers Doc-film that informs a groundbreaking experience on women political mobilizers and the various forms of gender-based violence meted against them during this period.

Marginalized groups, such as grassroots women from informal settlements and rural communities, face significant barriers in influencing political and governance structures. Despite their vast community networks and their organization in merry-go-round chamas to address socio-economic needs, these women are often seen merely as beneficiaries rather than stakeholders who can contribute to local and national development plans and policies. At Badili Africa, we are committed to innovative strategies that ensure no one is left behind in our struggle for gender equality. From political spas that merge beauty with civic dialogues to engage young women, to chama women acting as pressure groups demanding public accountability, and Make-Up Artivism exhibitions that use fashion, makeup, digital storytelling, and art to address the root causes of violence against women and girls—our initiatives are bold, transformative, and inclusive.
We believe in the power of collective action and accountability mechanisms to dismantle the barriers to meaningful engagement for women and girls in political and socio-economic processes. In 2025 we will seek to solidify our gains while charting new paths that will ensure effective representation and participation in decision-making processes allowing for the full spectrum of voices to be heard, experiences and values to be centered especially for marginalized and vulnerable grassroots women and young women.

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